Minutes of Holme Low Annual Parish Meeting
Held on 9 April 2019 at Silloth Community Hall
Present:- Cllrs. D. Findlay, M. Wright & M. Pearson. Also Wendy Jameson (Parish Clerk), John Cook and Tony Markley.
1. Apologies
Cllrs. J. Graham.
2. Minutes
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 17 April 2018 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Agenda item required for next Parish Council meeting regarding the amount of cement dust from Harrisons and the bright lights which are dazzling motorists. Lights are there for security, as there has been a lot of diesel thefts but they may not be positioned correctly.
Dog fouling – not as bad now.
Footpath between Barracks Bridge and Causewayhead corner needs cut back by a foot. Email to be sent to Cumbria Highways. Litter pick on Saturday was well attended with 12 volunteers turning up to help.
Cemetery building – Response received from Allerdale to say that an asset transfer is not an option, the building would be transferred in its current condition and work could be done over a 5 year period. Agenda item to be included on the next Parish Council meeting to discuss the matter and decide on what to do.
Church has been sold and planning permission obtained. It was questioned why the field next to the church field is being fenced off.
Sign still not been put up at the Windmill road end.
Pipes have sunk next to Dockeray’s farm due to wagons and wagons are not being sheeted. The turning to Balladoyle at Oakline – the corner has sunk again. The amount of vehicles using the road is bad.
Road around the Windmill is just as bad. Scaffolding is still up and land has been taken away from the highway.
The Parish is generally looking a mess.
4. Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2019
The Clerk had prepared the Accounts for the Parish Council for the Year Ended 31 March 2019 which showed £509.20 in the bank at the end of the financial year.
5. Parish Plan
Dealt with under matters arising.
6. Matters of Interest
There has been an issue with bins not getting emptied following the issue of the new bins and new timetable.
Cllr. Markley had a meeting at CCC today. Road closure at Edderside is to be extended past the Salta junction. A turning circle is to be made at Dubmill. Salta will be open for access only for residents. 3.5T weight restriction on a lot of the roads. Salta, Mawbray, Tarns road will have a temporary 30mph speed limit and also Jericho/Edderside. Police will be monitoring it and will be issuing tickets.
Cllr. Findlay thanked everyone for attending the meeting.