Minutes – 14 November 2017

parishclerk 21 Apr , 2020

Minutes of a meeting of Holme Low Parish Council
Held on 14 November 2017 at Silloth Community Hall

Present:- Cllrs. J. Graham, M. Wright, N. Dainton, M. Pearson & A. Sowden. Also Wendy Jameson (Parish Clerk) & Cllr. A.J. Markley.

1. Apologies
Cllr. J. Cook.

2. Declarations of Interests

3. Exclusion of Press & Public

4. Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on 15 August 2017 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

5. Matters Arising
Lights at Barracks Bridge – Light column at the corner will be going up next week and then the electricity supply will need to be connected. Confirmation required on which resident opposite the second light had been consulted. The Chairman confirmed that he had spoken to the resident of Aingarth. Reply to be sent to David Bryden at Allerdale.
Shrubs opposite Oakline – Shrubs have not been cut back although the Highways website says completed. Further email to be sent to Cumbria Highways.
Overhanging hedges at Windmill – One side has been partly cut back but the thorn hedge on the opposite side of the road has not been cut back, although the Highways website says it has been completed. Further email to be sent to Cumbria Highways.
Barbed wire at West Causewayhead – Posts have been taken down.
Whinclose – Allerdale have not received a reply to PCN. Further letter to be sent and if no response within 7 days the matter will be referred to the legal section to pursue prosecution action for not responding.
Road between Armstrong’s and Oakline – There are some bad ruts in the side of the road caused by wagons which should probably be repaired by those causing the damage. The damage makes the road quite dangerous for other motorists. Email to be sent to Cumbria Highways.
Land West of Longwood – Allerdale have tried to contact the landowner but received no response. Compliance will be going out next week to have a look.
Causewayhead Cemetery Building – Reply received from Cllr. Cook to say that Allerdale are seeking prices for the demolition of the building although no details of the timespan involved.

6. Police Report

7. Financial Report
The Clerk provided an up to date financial report which showed a balance of £2,334.04 in the bank.

8. Requests for Financial Assistance
A request for funding has been received from Great North Air Ambulance and it was RESOLVED that a donation of £100 be given.

9. Payment of Accounts
Cheque payments to 14 November 2017 were approved for payment by the Parish Council.

10. Audit for the Year Ended 31 March 2017
The annual return has been returned by BDO LLP. The annual return was submitted after a schedule 7 recommendation was issued which highlighted the requirement for an annual return to be submitted for audit. The comments by BDO LLP were noted by the Parish Council.

11. Budget
The Clerk produced some draft figures based on previous year’s accounts and the current year’s spending. After some consideration, it was agreed to raise a precept of £2,000 for 2018/19 – £1,500 to cover the Council’s usual expenditure and £500 for possible Community projects.

12. Correspondence
a) CALC Circular – September 2017.
b) Connecting Cumbria Newsletter – September 2017.
c) Clerks & Councils Direct – September 2017.
d) CALC – Annual Report 2017.
e) CALC Circular – October 2017.
f) Connecting Cumbria Newsletter – 19 October 2017.
g) Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership – News Autumn 2017.
h) Tidelines – Newsletter of the Solway Firth Partnership – Issue 47 Winter 2017.
i) Clerks & Councils Direct – November 2017.
j) North West Coastal Access Monthly Update – October 2017.
k) CALC – Allerdale September 2017 3 Tier Meeting – Allerdale district of CALC annual meeting will be held on 19 September at Cockermouth Town Hall at 7.00pm.
l) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Land West of Longwood – Present owner has been confirmed through Land Registry and contacted informally for clarification on the use of the land but no response received. Next step is to serve a more formal notice.
m) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Whinclose, Seaville. Reply received stating that the static caravans were used for agricultural workers however no response to last 2 letters regarding touring caravans therefore next step is to serve a PCN for further information.
n) Public consultation survey from Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner and Cumbria Constabulary which closes on 31st August.
o) NALC – Legal Briefing L03-17 – General Data Protection Regulations.
p) Cumbria County Council’s Design Guide is used to determine planning applications. Consultation closes on 4 September.
q) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Siting of static caravans. Reply in response to request for information. Some caravans may require planning permission and some may not depending on the circumstances i.e. where they are sited and for what. Individual sites will be investigated.
r) CCC – Information about Suicide Alertness – Living Matters Training on 7th, 13th & 18th September and 2nd October from 1pm – 4pm.
s) CALC – Big Lottery Fund – Awards for All – Copy of letter regarding improvements in the process of applying for Big Lottery Fund grants.
t) Cumbria County Council – re: signs. Email to confirm that CCC are trying to establish if some of their in-house teams could help with refurbishing the signs.
u) Cumbria County Council- re: signs. Engineer, Robbie Manchester is going to arrange for the signs to be rubbed down and repainted. Unable to give a specific date or timescale but will be done this year.
v) Information Commissioner – Confirmation that Data Protection Registration has been renewed.
w) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Whinclose, Seaville. PCN has now been prepared and will be sent to the owner of Whinclose, Seaville.
x) CALC Allerdale 3 Tier Meeting – Agenda for meeting on 19 September at the Town Hall, Cockermouth, minutes of the meetings held on 29 September 2016 and 11 May 2017, and report by Liaison Officer to the Annual Meeting.
y) Cumbria Minerals & Waste Local Plan (2015-2030) Adoption – Cumbria County Council has resolved to adopt the plan at the meeting of full Council on 6 September 2017.
z) CALC – Events for communities during Cumbria Green Build Festival – 16 to 24 Sept.
aa) CALC – Community Led Housing – Invitation to Community Led Housing in Cumbria: Launch Event on 19 October 2017, 10.30 – 14.30 at Braithwaite Institute, Braithwaite, Keswick.
bb) BDO – re: Annual Return 31 March 2017 – For those that have crossed in the post or submitted late, BDO are not going to follow up as to whether a meeting has been held to discuss the matter. S7 letter still stands and Councils won’t be able to claim exemption next year.
cc) Invitation to the West Cumbria Bus Users Group Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday the 31st October 2017 at the Bradbury Independent Living Centre Workington.
dd) CALC AGM at Carlisle Racecourse on Sat 18 November 2017 at 10.30am. Copy of the Agenda and minutes of the last meeting held on 12 November 2016.
ee) United Utilities – Raby Cote Outfall Pipeline & Wigton Wastewater Treatment Works Projects. Meetings are to be arranged with individual landowners along the pipeline route from Wigton to Raby Cote to access arrangements. Planning application is to be submitted for the asset upgrade work to be carried out at Wigton WwTW.
ff) CALC – draft note of the September 2017 Allerdale District of CALC AGM and 3 tier meeting.
gg) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Barracks Bridge. Wayleave has been sorted out with Solway Holiday Village and a a new lighting column will be ordered.
hh) NALC – new legal briefing regarding fees payable to the Information Commissioner’s Office when registering as a Data Controller.
ii) Information about ‘Fareshare’ in Cumbria which is a food redistribution programme whereby quality, in date, surplus food is redistributed to Community Food Members (CFM’s) on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.
jj) Letter from Brian Thackeray requesting that payment of £35 for carrying out the audit be made to the local branch of the RNLI. Cheque payable to Silloth RNLI to be sent to Mr Thackeray.
kk) Royal Air Force in Bloom – Letter suggesting that one of the flower beds in the town could be used to display the Royal Air Force colours or celebrate the RAF in some way. Thanks for your email. A replica Hudson Bomber is being made by GenII for Silloth which will include a flower bed on the Green. The Parish Council agreed to look into the possibility of creating a raised flower bed at the Pond at the entrance to Silloth using the Royal Air Force colours.
ll) Cumbria Constabulary – Letter from Inspector Gale re: New Police Meeting. Parish Cllrs are invited to attend a meeting on 21 November at 7.00pm at Cockermouth Police Station. Cllr. Markley is hoping to attend and will report back.
mm) Allerdale Borough Council Planning Policy Consultation – Brownfield Register (Part 1). All comments should be received by 4pm on Friday 10th November 2017. Deadline has passed.
nn) Cumbria County Council – re: Inclusive Mobility Budget which is to be used to improve accessibility on the highway to aid people with disabilities or mobility issues. Email asking if there are any areas in the parish that would benefit from these types of improvements. Not relevant to the Parish.
oo) CALC – Consultation on constituency boundaries in the North West. Comments to be in by 11 December 2017. Noted. Individual comments can be sent.

13. Planning Applications
The Parish Council have approved the following:-
Ref No: 2/2017/0482 Applicant: Messrs Fisher Proposal: Renewal of hardcore track with concrete Location: The Close, Silloth

Allerdale Borough Council has approved the following:-
Ref No: 2/2017/0297 Applicant: Mr & Mrs R Holliday Proposal: Proposed slurry lagoon Location: Blackdyke Farm, Blackdyke, Silloth – the lagoon is now going to be a slurry tower instead.
Ref No: 2/2017/0294 Applicant: Mr & Mrs R Holliday Proposal: Proposed silage pit Location: Blackdyke Farm, Blackdyke, Silloth
Ref No: 2/2017/0295 Applicant: Mr & Mrs R Holliday Proposal: Erection of cattle shed Location: Blackdyke Farm, Blackdyke, Silloth
Ref No: 2/2017/0296 Applicant: Mr & Mrs R Holliday Proposal: Erection of cattle shed Location: Blackdyke Farm, Blackdyke, Silloth

14. Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies
Longcake Education Meeting took place on 12 October. Grant of £150 given to someone who is doing teacher training. Grants of £300 each were given to the four schools.
Coastal Community Team Meeting took place on 9 October. Cllr. Wright was unable to attend but was sent minutes of the meeting. Cycle path was discussed. CCC are to manage, design and build the path. Brian Irving is retiring in December but will continue as Chairman of the Community Team. Funding was short by £250k but Allerdale will be contributing the shortfall. CCC are charging a percentage but this will be discussed with them. A rough plan of the route was shown.
Seadyke Charity The roof on the house at Swinsty farm has been redone. Tenants are happy. Milking robots have been fitted and 100 cows will be arriving this week. Ceilings and walls are to be plastered in the house. A lot of repairs have been necessary, as the previous tenant did not report any issues to the Seadyke Charity. Grants of £2k given to the Convalescent Home and £500 to each of four churches.
Hellrigg Community Fund Cllr. Sowden had been unable to attend the last meeting. Various grants were given but nothing to Holme Low.

15. Cumbria County Council
Ofted are visiting Children’s Services at the moment. A lot of road works are getting done around the County as funding of £105m has been received from the Government for flood defences and road repairs. Conservatives have put a motion at CCC for cross party working for the good of the community so that bids can be submitted for improvement projects. IFCA will be getting a new vessel. A 5-year-old vessel has been purchased which is at Holyhead getting refurbished and will hopefully be launched at the end of this year or early next year. The road to Seaville is starting to crack and needs attention. Cllr. Markley suggested an email be sent to Amber Sykes and ask her to look at it. Wrathalls corner which has always flooded is to get a new pipe in which will be a big job to do. Rumbling Bridge will be getting done in January.

16. Parish Plan
Nothing to report but will be discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting in April.

17. Reports from Councillors
Harrisons have put a concrete base down, to create a new batching plant at the former Cherifoam site, although no planning application has been seen.
BT manholes opposite the Pond Farm at Calvo, to be reported to Cumbria Highways as they are a hazard to road users.
1450 daffodil bulbs were planted last year but Silloth contractor went out and cut them down before they had died back, despite being asked not to. Cllr. Graham has planted 400 bulbs this year, with another 400 to go in.

18. Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. He also thanked the Clerk for all that she does and Cllr. Markley for attending.

19. Date of next meeting
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 13 February 2018 at 7.30pm in the Community Hall.