Holme Low Parish Council
Minutes of the annual meeting held on Tuesday 14 May 2019
at 7.30pm at Silloth Community Hall
Present : Cllr. J. Graham (JG)
Cllrs. D. Findlay (DF), M. Wright (MW) & N. Dainton (ND).
Also present: Wendy Jameson – Parish Clerk (WEJ) and Cllrs. Tony Markley, J. Cook & O. Martin.
1. Election of Chairman of the Council
Cllr. J. Graham was elected as Chairman of the Council.
2. Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Cllr. Graham signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
3. Election of Deputy Chairman of the Council
Cllr. D. Findlay was elected as Deputy Chairman of the Council.
4. Apologies
Cllr. Pearson.
5. Declaration of Interest
6. Minutes
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on the 15 January & 12 March 2019 be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
7. Matters Arising
Nothing appears to have been done about the caravans at Whinclose.
8. Appointment of representatives to outside bodies
Longcake Education Foundation – Cllr. M. Wright.
Sea Dyke Charity – Cllrs. J. Graham & D. Findlay.
Hellrigg Community Fund Panel – Wait until a new Cllr. is co-opted.
Silloth Coastal Community Team – Cllr. M. Wright.
9. Standing Orders & Financial Regulations
RESOLVED that the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations be accepted, with the next review in 3 years.
10. Banking Arrangements
RESOLVED that Cllrs. J. Graham, M. Wright and D. Findlay continue as cheque signatories.
11. Asset Register
Assets comprise of 2 x noticeboards, 2 x parish seats and 1 x laptop & printer.
12. Annual review of risk assessments
The Clerk had produced a risk assessment and management report which was reviewed by the Parish Council. The risk assessment report was agreed by the Parish Council.
13. Insurance
The Parish Council’s insurance cover is with Zurich Municipal at a cost of £235 for the year.
14. Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2019
a) Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2019 were approved by the Parish Council.
b) Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2018/19 Part 2
RESOLVED that the Chairman sign the Certificate of Exemption, Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 & Accounting Statements 2018/19.
15. Appointment of Auditor and review of effectiveness of the internal audit
The Parish Council reviewed the effectiveness of the internal audit and is satisfied with the current system, whereby Mr Thackeray carries out the annual internal audit on behalf of the Parish Council.
16. Budget for the Financial Year 2019/20
RESOLVED that the Budget for 2019/20 be noted.
17. Annual Subscriptions
The Parish Council agreed to renew the Annual subscription to CALC for 2018/19 of £132.65.
18. Calendar of Meetings
Meetings to be held on 9 July 2019, 8 October 2019, 14 January 2020 and 14 April 2020.
19. Exclusion of Press and Public
20. Police Report
No report received.
21. Public Participation
There had been no requests from members of the public to speak at the meeting.
22. Requests for financial assistance
23. Payment of Accounts
Cheque payments to 14 May 2019 were approved for payment by the Parish Council.
24. Correspondence
a) Wigton Baths Trust – News 2019.
b) North West Coastal Access Monthly Update – March 2019.
c) CALC Newsletter – February 2019.
d) Clerks & Councils Direct – March 2019 Issue 122.
e) CALC Newsletter – March 2019.
f) North West Coastal Access Monthly Update – April 2019.
g) CALC Newsletter – April 2019.
h) Tidelines – Newsletter of the Solway Firth Partnership – Issue 50 Spring/Summer 2019.
i) Clerks & Councils Direct – May 2019.
j) Cumbria Action for Health Network Bulletin.
k) Cumbria County Council – re: Restoration of Traditional Highway Directional signs & milestones. Site visits have been carried out and an inventory made of all the signs/milestones. Contractor has been appointed to carry out some restoration works during this financial year. Work will be carried out over a number of years due to budgets.
l) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Causewayhead Cemetery. Email from Michael Heaslip apologising for the delay in relation to the cemetery building. A number of matters in relation to the condition of the building needed to be resolved. Proposed Heads of Terms will be sent very soon.
m) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Land West of Causewayhead. Revised location was approved under planning ref AM/2008/0072.
n) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Election Briefings for Parishes. Details of various election briefings to be held in February for Parishes.
o) Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2) Site Allocations – Submitted to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government on 18 January for independent examination. The documents can be viewed at Silloth Library.
p) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Whinclose. Email from Kerry McCartney to say the matter has been discussed and she is awaiting advice from her manager on how to proceed.
q) CALC – Guidance from Parkinson Partnership LLP on ‘Making Tax Digital 2019.
r) Cumbria LEP – Information about consultation events for the Cumbria Local Industrial Strategy.
s) NALC – Election information to promote the elections in May.
t) Coastal Community input into the North West Marine Plan. Information about the consultation which runs until 29 March. Also workshop on 27 February at Carlisle.
u) Allerdale Three tier meeting will be held on March 26th at Allerdale House, Workington at 7.00pm
v) Information on the Working Together Service.
w) CALC – re: Three tier meeting March 26 at Allerdale House at 7.00pm. Agenda and note from Winter meeting held at Allhallows in September.
x) CALC – Copy of up to date Practitioners guide. Summary of changes from NALC and the MHCLG advice re joint committees.
y) CALC – Volunteers required to sit on LCAS accreditation panels in Cumbria.
z) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Former Waiting Room at Causewayhead Cemetery. Email responding to the points raised by the Parish Council. The reply is contradictory to what had previously been discussed. An asset transfer was an option but now suggesting a lease. Demolition of both ends was to be undertaken by Allerdale before the building was handed over but it is now proposed that the building is to be handed over in its current condition. The Parish Council is not happy and disappointed by the response. Reply to be sent to Allerdale and copy our Allerdale Cllrs. into the response.
aa) CALC Summer Conference on Sat 22 June at Stoneybeck Inn, Penrith – to welcome new councillors to a day of talks and development sessions. Noted.
bb) Copy of letter sent to Allerdale Borough Council regarding the poor visibility coming out of Causewayhead cemetery. Email to be sent to Allerdale to pass on the concerns.
25. Planning Applications
The Parish Council approved the following:-
Ref No: FUL/2019/0037 Applicant: Mr Richard Storr Proposal: Installation of ground source heat pump Location: Land near to Fir Tree Farm, Seaville, Silloth
Ref No: OUT/2019/0011 Applicant: Messrs Holliday Proposal: Outline application for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling Location: Blackdyke Farm, Blackdyke, Silloth
Ref No: FUL/2019/0113 Applicant: Mr George Whitfield Proposal: Broiler unit and associated infrastructure Location: Balladoyle Farm, Silloth
Ref No: FUL/2019/0077 Applicant: Mr Martin Sharp Proposal: Proposed livestock building Location: Wolsty Hall, Wolsty, Silloth
Allerdale Borough Council approved the following:-
Ref No: FUL/2019/0037 Applicant: Mr Richard Storr Proposal: Installation of ground source heat pump Location: Land near to Fir Tree Farm, Seaville, Silloth
26. Vacancy on the Parish Council
Vacancy to be advertised in the Solway Buzz and website etc.
27. Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies
Longcake Education Foundation – Meeting held on 14 February. 3 x Sunday schools were given £50 each. It has been questioned if there are Sunday schools now and where the money is going. 4 x schools were given £300 each. Mawbray play park was given £150. Next meeting is in June.
Sea Dyke Charity – £2000 given to the Convalescent Home and 3 x £500 given to halls or schools.
28. County Council & Allerdale Reports
County Council – Work at Dubmill is well under way. Setts are getting done in Silloth and a good job is being done.
29. Parish Plan
Nothing to report. Discussed at the annual Parish meeting.
30. Reports from Councillors
Road down to Seaville – no passing places. Kerb stones at the junction are also a hazard. Concerns were raised about the safety of road users as it is difficult to get out of the junction due to poor visibility. Email to be sent to Cumbria Highways.
Cement dust is particularly bad between Barracks Bridge and Causewayhead, as it is being dragged out on to the road. It was suggested that a request be made for the road to be swept more often. Wood pulp is also being transported from the Docks to the Airfield and wagons are often not sheeted up. Email to be sent to Allerdale Borough Council.
31. Chairman’s Announcement
The Chairman thanked everyone for voting him to be Chairman again and thanked the Clerk for all the work she has done.
32. Date of next meeting
Parish Council meeting – Tuesday 9 July 2019 at 7.30pm in Silloth Community Hall.