Holme Low Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14 January 2020
at 7.30pm at Silloth Community Hall
Present : Cllr. J. Graham (JG)
D. Findlay (DF), M. Wright (MW), N. Dainton (ND) & C. Edmunds (CE).
Also present: Wendy Jameson – Parish Clerk (WEJ).
1. Apologies
Cllrs. M. Pearson & J. Cook.
2. Declaration of Interest
3. Exclusion of Press & Public
4. Minutes
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 8 October 2019 be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters Arising
6. Police Report
No report. Newsletter is available online.
7. Public Participation
There were no requests from members of the public to speak at the meeting.
8. Financial Report
The Clerk provided an up to date financial report which showed a balance of £537.31 in the bank.
9. Requests for financial assistance
10. Payment of Accounts
Cheque payments to 14 January 2020 were approved for payment by the Parish Council.
11. Budget 2020/21
The Clerk produced some draft figures based on previous year’s accounts and the current year’s spending. After some consideration, it was agreed to raise a precept of £6,000 for 2020/21 – £2,500 to cover the Council’s usual expenditure and £3,500 for community projects during coming year. If the funding is not spent by the end of the year, then the precept could be reduced for the following year.
12. Correspondence
a) Tidelines – Newsletter of the Solway Firth Partnership – Issue 51 Winter 2019.
b) CALC – 2019 Annual Report.
c) North West Coastal Access Monthly Update: September 2019.
d) Cumbria Action of Health & Mental Health Provider Forum Bulletin 07.10.2019.
e) Clerks & Councils Direct – November 2019 Issue 126.
f) North West Coastal Access Monthly Update – October 2019.
g) Cumbria Action for Health & Mental Health Provider Forum Bulletin 4.11.2019.
h) ACT Gazette – Issue 34 Autumn/Winter 2019.
i) CALC Newsletter – November 2019.
j) CALC – Newsletter – December/January 2019/20.
k) Christmas Bulletin Action for Health & Mental Health Provider Forum 16.12.2019.
l) CALC – Developing your skills – January to July 2020.
m) Clerks & Councils Direct – January 2020 – Issue 127.
n) CALC – Notice of AGM to be held on 9 November at Wigton Market Hall at 10.30am. Also minutes from the 2018 AGM.
o) NHS North Cumbria – Press Release re: Video consultations offering more choice and flexibility to patients in Cumbria.
p) Great North Air Ambulance – Letter of thanks for the donation of £100 from the Parish Council.
q) Cumbria Highways – HIMS Ref: W1980980453 – Dip, Hollow or Subsidence on the B5302 to the U2025 will be looked into.
r) Cumbria Highways – HIMS Ref: W1980980475 – Dip, Hollow or Subsidence on the B5302 to the C2015 will be looked into.
s) Cumbria Highways – HIMS Ref: W1980980864 – Blocked or Overgrown Gully at B5302 Silloth to Causewayhead will be looked into.
t) CALC – Update from Bruno Peek for Local Council and VE Day 75 – 8 May 2020.
u) NALC – Policy consultation e-briefing 12-19 Independent review into Local Government Audit Call for Evidence.
v) Cumbria Highways – HIMS Ref: W1980980475 – Dip, Hollow or Subsidence on the B5302 to the C2015 has been fixed.
w) Cumbria Highways – HIMS Ref: W1980980864 – Blocked or Overgrown Gully at B5302 Silloth to Causewayhead has been fixed.
x) Cumbria Coastal Strategy – Public engagement. Further round of public engagement to take place from 15 November to 13 December 2019.
y) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Former Waiting Room at Causewayhead. Apologies for not giving the matter the attention it deserves. It will be kick started next week and the solicitor briefed.
z) Cumbria Highways – HIMS Ref: W1980984820 – PotHole Beckfoot to the B5301 near Balladoyle will be looked into.
aa) Cumbria Highways – HIMS Ref: W1980984821 re: sunken manhole cover near Calvo. The matter will be looked into.
bb) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Former Waiting Room at Causewayhead Cemetery. The matter has been passed to the solicitor to draw up the necessary documentation.
cc) CALC – Copy of NALC’s LTN 22 – Disciplinary and Grievance Arrangements.
dd) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Verge, Causewayhead Cemetery. Verge belongs to County Council and it is therefore their responsibility.
ee) PL Law LLP – re: Former Waiting Room at Causewayhead – Email asking for contact details of Council’s solicitor to send the documentation to.
ff) Draft note of the three-tier meeting held on 24 October 2019 at Allhallows Community Centre.
gg) CALC – Email from NALC legal team clarifying the position on councils awarding grants to Churches for repairs to property.
hh) Cumbria Highways – HIMS Ref: W1980976967 – Road sign illegible or obscured at B5302 Silloth to Causewayhead. It has been checked out and will take action if it poses a safety risk.
ii) Cumbria Highways – HIMS Ref: W1980984820 – Pothole – Beckfoot to the B5301 near Balladoyle has been fixed.
jj) Allerdale Borough Council – Details of Draft 2020/21 Council Tax Base.
kk) Cumbria Constabulary – update on new changes regarding Newsletter updates and how to subscribe.
ll) Allerdale Borough Council – Proposals regarding the future of footway lighting in Allerdale. Allerdale are passing down responsibility for footway lighting. Parishes would be responsible for the electricity costs from April 2021, with Allerdale responsible for the maintenance. The Parish Council will be informed of the approx. costs for energy usage within their Parish by the end of February 2020.
mm) Creative People and Places – Community Consultation. This is the link to the questionnaire https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=tlMJoTNyd0u4WOE_Ui0pyN-X7h6niPxOtqMkQtZ5u15UQldMTElYV1RPWDcwUVJOMzlMQ0hFVVpJNy4u
Cllrs. to send their individual responses.
nn) Allerdale Borough Council – Budget Consultation 2020/21. The consultation can be viewed at https://cumbria.citizenspace.com/allerdale-borough-council/budget-consultation-2020-21 where there is an online survey to complete. The consultation closes on 20 January 2020. Cllrs. to send their individual responses.
13. Planning Applications
Allerdale Borough Council has approved the following:-
Ref No: FUL/2019/0219 Applicant: Mr David Miller Proposal: Proposed single storey dwelling Location: Land at West Causewayhead, Causewayhead, Silloth
Ref No: RMA/2019/0011 Applicant: Mr & Mrs Holliday Proposal: Reserved matters application following approval of OUT/2019/0011 for the erection of an agricultural worker’s dwelling Location: Blackdyke Farm, Blackdyke, Silloth
14. Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies
Longcake Education Foundation – There was a meeting in October. The Honours Board is currently in the Discovery Centre but need to keep it in mind, as to where to locate it.
Sea Dyke Charity – There has been a problem with the chimney after the building was re-roofed. The builder has been back, the roof stripped, re-lagged, leaded and new spouts put on which has hopefully sorted the problem. A wall will also need re-plastered. The tenants are quite happy and working away. A lot have donations have been given which includes £300 to Abbeytown Pre-school, £200 to Newton Arlosh brownies and £2,000 to Silloth Nursing Home.
15. Allerdale & County Councillor Reports
Allerdale – No report.
County Council – No report.
16. Parish Plan
Nothing to report. It will be considered at the annual Parish meeting.
17. Causewayhead Cemetery Building
To be discussed in the Holme Low Parish Projects Group meeting.
18. Reports from Councillors
The Airfield entrance is still flooding, with the pipe further down needing looked at.
Drains down West Causewayhead Lane need cleaned out near New Rose Cottage – 2 on the Silloth/Aspatria side and 1 on the other side. CCC have never cleaned them out and they need done. Cumbria Highways to be notified.
Blackdyke road drains also need cleaned out. Wagons drive over them and squash soil over them causing them to become blocked. Cumbria Highways to be notified.
It is also bad beside the bridge next to John Smiddy’s, at the entrance to the road to Blackdyke. Cumbria Highways to be notified.
Road around the Windmill is still bad, with stones on the side of the road, verges overhanging and scaffolding still up.
The road sweeper lorries come to get water from the hydrant at Causewayhead corner near the signs and often leave the cover off – Report to Allerdale.
VE Day – It was questioned if the Parish should do something for VE Day.
19. Chairman’s Announcement
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting and also thanked the Clerk for all the work she has done.
20. Date of next meeting
Parish Council meeting – Tuesday 14 April 2020 at 7.30pm in Silloth Community Hall.